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It’s important to help people understand that raising and maintaining a dog, although rewarding, is not always easy. That’s where training comes in.
Once you and your dog understand each other, life becomes pleasant and things can get fun.
Dogs are entertaining creatures known for keeping humans company and some are even great exercise buddies. The thing is, not all dogs behave in a way that is socially acceptable, so if you want your dog to fit in well there’s work to be done. Your dog won’t just wake up one day and act the way you want him to.
Training your dog to be obedient and respond to commands is important for your relationship and future companionship. It’s also important to be kind, patient and remain consistent in your responses (and body language) to certain behaviours. First, you need to learn a few training skills before you start teaching.
Usually most dogs are keen to please, so it’s important that your instructions and directions are clear and that you reward appropriately.
Start training your new dog immediately, whether it’s a puppy or rescue dog. Picking up bad habits happens in the blink of an eye, so you need to be strict about certain behaviours from the get-go. Imagine, for example, you allow your puppy to sleep in your bed. Now imagine your adult dog jumping up every night, for the rest of his life… To make it easier, lay out the ground rules before your new furry friend arrives and make sure you stick to them, no matter how challenging.
Training Recipe Ingredients
Patience, willing pet, quiet space (distraction-free) and healthy, tasty treats suitable for puppies / your rescue dog’s size.
Additional Tip: If you need a little help, puppy confidence and training classes are great in terms of guidance, support and doggy socialisation. Just make sure you choose a reputable trainer/company.
The Right Training Aids & Equipment
Make sure you have the training aids you need, for example a harness, lead and clicker, if you’re going to use one.
Note: Keep training until your dog is comfortable with a command before using it in a ‘real’ situation.
There are two categories of tasks. The one is related to behaviour; the other related to fun.
If you are clear, brief and armed with acceptable rewards, there are many other tricks and tasks you can teach your dog.
- Leave it
- Housetraining
- Sit, stay, down
- Walking to heel
- Retrieving objects
- Come/recall command
- Socialising with other dogs and people
- Begging
- High five
- Play dead
- Giving paw
- Shutting the door
- Catching a ball/treat
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