Source: Stuff (Extract)
Posted: July 21, 2021
Every dog has its day.
Three-year-old heading dog Bryn, owned by Martha Broughton, sold for the top price of $8000 at the Gore dog sale on Wednesday.
But, it was a bittersweet sale for Broughton, the sheep genetics manager at Mount Linton Station.
‘’I was a bit tearful on the way here.
‘’I’m going to miss him and so will Trev my huntaway – they were good mates,’’ Broughton said.
PGG Wrightson stock agent Ross McKee said 35 heading dogs, 10 huntaways and a dozen pups were sold.
The top heading dogs sold well, but there were a lot of young dogs which made about $1000, Mckee said.
‘’I think they are going through the ring a year early.
‘’They [the dogs] have to be a good two-to-three years old to make good money.”
Broughton, 23, decided to sell heading dog Bryn, who has already done two lambings, because she was planning to breed border collies.
‘’I’ve always liked border collies, but there aren’t many of them around.
‘’Farmers tend to prefer smooth coated dogs as they don’t get as hot on the hills.’’
Heddon Bush farmer Henry Riordan, who had attended a pre-sale demo of Bryn, was the lucky vendor.
He had been looking for a new heading dog as his current one was getting too old, Riordan said.
‘’I don’t know much about dogs, but I like Bryn.
’He’s clean, and he’s got good style,’’ Riordan said.
Broughton said she had competed with Bryn in the dog trials at Mount Linton Station in March and although they weren’t placed he had performed well.
McKee said Bryn was a ‘’good steady dog’’ and believed Riordan had invested his money wisely.
Other top heading dogs included Aussie Wettenhall’s Dame which sold for $6600 while Gandhi Lucas’ Ben sold for $5500 and Vic Stanley’s Kim sold for $5000.
Broughton’s father George sold heading dog Boss for $4700.
Meanwhile, Trevor Wilson’s huntaway bitch Lu fetched the top price of $5000 while Dave O’Connell’s Fog made $4000.
McKee said the best of the pups made $700.