Source: RNZ (Extract)
Posted: August 03, 2024

A dog owner is cautioning others about walking their pets through central Auckland after her dog fell ill from likely ingesting methamphetamine.

On Thursday afternoon, Victoria Spence was walking Fleur, her 3-year-old, 7kg Norwich terrier, along their usual route on Greys Ave. Shortly after returning home, Fleur began exhibiting unusual behavior.

“She started pacing, whining, crying, and growling. She was extremely hyperactive and scared, and she didn’t recognize us—she seemed completely disoriented,” Spence described.

Fleur’s condition worsened quickly, prompting Spence to call the vet, who advised her to bring the dog in immediately.

“When the vet examined her, they suspected it was a reaction to human drugs rather than something bacterial or gastric. It was a significant neurological change,” Spence explained.

The vet monitored Fleur, placed her on an IV drip, and sedated her, covering her eyes and ears to calm her frantic movements. It wasn’t until Fleur was transferred to a specialist vet center, where a street drug test was conducted, that it was confirmed she had ingested methamphetamine.

As of Saturday morning, Fleur was still testing positive for methamphetamine and remained under sedation. The drug was expected to remain in her system for about 72 hours.

“She’s such a sweet, innocent dog, and it’s heartbreaking that something so awful has happened to her,” Spence said.

Spence aims to warn other dog owners who walk their pets in the area and to highlight the increasing presence of methamphetamine in central Auckland.

“I’m deeply concerned about the widespread meth use in central Auckland. What about young families with children playing outside? It’s important for them to enjoy parks and lead a normal life, and I never imagined something like this could happen.

“I was shocked when they told me it was methamphetamine.”

She added, “It’s tragic that this is happening in what should be a vibrant, suburban community. Meth contamination seems to be a growing issue, and you now have to assume that any public area could be contaminated—whether it’s discarded meth, bong water, or vomit.”

Spence is hopeful that Fleur will make a full recovery, though she is deeply disturbed by the extreme and damaging effects on her beloved pet.