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Allergies In Pets Are Real

Our pets’ allergic reactions could easily be overlooked since nibbling at their extremities and occasional scratching are often the norm. However, such fidgeting may hint at underlying problems that have gone unnoticed.

Pet allergies, like our own, are reactions to pollens, certain chemicals, animal, plant, and insect proteins or particular foodstuffs. These allergens kickstart the immune system into overreactions that flood the body with histamines. The resulting symptoms are seldom dangerous but are extremely uncomfortable and irritating.

Inflamed, flaky, crusty, or scabby skin, patchy or smelly fur, watery eyes, a runny nose, and wheezing are all signs that your pet may be suffering from one or more allergies.

Having realised that your pet has allergic reactions, identify the origins, and provide the proper treatment. Fleas are the most common source of allergens since their saliva provokes flea allergic dermatitis (FAD). Severe FAD causes great misery and calls for a veterinary visit. Fortunately, good and affordable preventative treatments are widely available.

The tree, grass, and other pollens are common inhalant allergens that inflame the mucous membranes and are often the easiest to identify. These enter the home from outside but indoors is also a source of mould, dust mite, and mildew contaminations.  Remember though, that the inhalant allergies can also cause dogs to develop itchy skin, so scratching and nipping at themselves may be due to airborne contaminants, not fleas.

The allergens most likely to affect your cat will be the air transmitted inhalant varieties. Sneezing, snuffling, and wheezing caused by bronchial congestion are all symptoms that your cat may be suffering a histamine reaction. Most plants pollinate during the day so keeping your cat indoors may reduce seasonal discomforts. Cats famously choose their own times and places to go exploring so confinement may not be the best option for them.

Although human antihistamines are often used for pets, they should be carefully dosed. Many remedies available from vets, main-street pet stores, and online vendors have ingredients that effectively reduce some or all of the most common symptoms. If your pet suffers from allergies, learning about the topic makes for better choices. Remember to crosscheck by googling information on medication and treatment labels. Your pet’s well-being is more than worth the effort.

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