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The Importance of Catching and Diagnosing Diabetes in Dogs Early

Unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetes. That’s why it’s important to notice and address the signs of diabetes in dogs early. With treatment and proper management, a healthier and longer life is possible.

What Increases the Risk of Diabetes in Dogs?

Middle-aged to senior dogs (5+) are at greater risk of developing diabetes.

Unspayed females are twice as likely to develop diabetes.

Steroid Medications
Long-term use can cause diabetes.

Cushing’s Disease
Diabetes can be a complication of this disease which is caused by high levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in the blood.

Both mixed breed dogs and purebreds are at risk. High-risk breeds include beagles, pugs, miniature poodles and -schnauzers, dachshunds and certain terriers.

Chronic or Repeated Pancreatitis
Inflammation of the pancreas can result in extensive pancreas damage which can lead to diabetes.

Obesity is linked to acute pancreatitis and pancreatitis can lead to diabetes.

Other Health Conditions
An autoimmune disorder or viral disease could possibly be responsible for triggering diabetes in dogs.

Why is it Important to Catch Diabetes in Dogs Early?

The same rule applies to many health conditions and diseases in humans and in dogs: Early diagnosis and treatment can really promote wellness and well-being.

Here are the steps for dealing with diabetes in dogs:

  1. Detect it early
  2. Understand the condition
  3. Provide proper customised care
  4. Continue to manage it

What Can Happen When Diabetes in Dogs is Not Treated and Managed

Untreated diabetes in dogs can lead to multi-organ damage as well as:

  • Seizures
  • Cataracts
  • Blindness
  • Amputations
  • Kidney failure
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis(DKA): a deadly medical emergency

Act Now

Don’t wait for the severe signs and symptoms of diabetes to surface.

Contact your veterinarian if you notice any of these early signs of diabetes in dogs: excessive thirst, increased urination, weight loss and increased appetite.

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